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Photos © Gül Cakar

A comprehensive commentary on the GEZI protests

diploma thesis at the TU Vienna
03/2012 - 06/2014

Univ. Prof. Mag. art. Christine Hohenbüchler

E254-1 Institute for Art and Design


The concept of my thesis was created before the Gezi protests. Its title "#GEZIyorum", which means "I walk" in English, took on a new meaning after the protests. "Gezi" is the Turkish word for "walk" and the name of the park; "yorum" means comment.

Walks along my former routes through the city were intended to make the former situation in Istanbul comparable with today's reality. The task would be to draw attention to the division and power struggle between different groups and to discuss the role of architecture in this.


After the Gezi protests, the content of the work was changed. The current content also includes some protest examples and conclusions.

The individuality of the method serves to describe a demographic profile of a protest participant and her sense of belonging to her city. In the search for causes and effects of the protests, my routes spread across the Internet and in all publications. By scanning the created QR codes, the reader has the opportunity to establish a direct digital connection to the research sources via smartphone.

As a resident of Istanbul and as an architecture student who studied in Turkey and Austria, my aim in this work is to use real experiences to bring closer what happened in the last 30 years in order to be able to encode the Gezi protests.

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